St. Sebastian Women's Guild is an organization of Catholic women living in and around Sebastian.
Our goals are to promote Christian living through service to the community, to foster the spiritual development of the women in our parish, and to provide opportunities for friendship through social, cultural and educational programs and events.
Our purpose is to serve as a channel for all women in our community so that they might use their unique talents to help others and through Christian witnessing, draw all to God.
Whether we recognize ourselves as leaders or not, the women of our parish are called by God to "Work in His Vineyard." We invite you to join us in His service; we have need of your Catholic minds and skillful hands. No time commitment is too small and you are welcome to drop in at any of our meetings or events.
We meet Sept - May on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in LeSage Hall Room E. Meetings usually start at 1:00 PM.
Our corporate communion is the 3rd Sunday of each month at the 7:30 AM Mass