My Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Blessings to you in this new year! As we begin the calendar year of 2025, we also begin our annual Diocesan Services Appeal.
It is my pleasure to share that this year's DSA theme is Romans 5:5, "Hope does not disappoint." This theme dovetails nicely with the 2025 Jubilee Year, also known as the Year of Hope. Announced by Pope Francis, the Jubilee Year is intended to be a time of hope for the world, as well as a time to re-establish relationships with God, others and creation. As a diocese, we continue to care for one another in faith, hope and love, while embracing this theme.
Your support of the DSA, through prayer and financial assistance, allows our offices and ministries to fulfill the dioceses mission and embrace the promise of hope we are given each day. Together, as 54 parishes and missions within five counties, we are joined together as one committed diocese.
By supporting the DSA, you will help make a definite difference in the lives of your neighbors, for which I would be deeply grateful. Your generosity will sustain our tradition of sharing and bringing hope to others. I prayerfully ask you again to consider a gift to this year's Diocesan Services Appeal. Your participation in the appeal is a vital part of our ability to provide services for our Diocese and for those in need. Please know that I am praying for God's blessings on you and your family and that you have a renewed sense of hope this year.
With every prayerful wish, 1 am
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito
Bishop of Palm beach